
What to do when my mac complains about ntfs-3g cannot unmount bootcamp?

The error message is:
NTFS-3G could not mount /dev/disk1s1
at /Volumes/Noga_Serials because the following problem occurred:

Did not receive a signal within 15.000000 seconds. Exiting...

Everytime I started my os x system after I installed windows 8 with bootcamp, or I plugin an external hardrive which is NTFS format, this message appears and looks ugly actually.

Actually the message does no harm and the drive is correctly mounted...

But I still did not prefer this kind of unfriendly information. At first I thought it was the problem of some improperly mounted disk so I tried to unmount some dir under /Volumes/ but that doesn't work at all because all as removing bootcamp will lead me to no where.

Then I thought of what drivers will be better to mount the hardrives and I think MacFuse is quite better and works smoothly. So do install MacFuse then NTFS-3g (though the latter works fine but the error message is really annoying).

Nov 7, 2013:
My bad, after removing the NTFS-3g I was not able to get write access to my NTFS drive. That was just a bug for NTFS-3g but it still allows R/W access to driver.

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