
An update about when finding out Safari blocked java 7

It is a problem that Chrome doesn't support java 7 on OSX. So after I got my mac I disabled java 7 and turn back to java 6 so as to use the 32-bit chrome (I have no idea why chrome abandoned the ones that are eager to use chrome on their mac with Lion or Mountain Lion. And why OSX started to abandon Oracle's Java by taking away the Java Preference in the System Preference).

Anyway, now I need switched back to Safari to run some cool applets on Prof. Perlin's home page. Then I found that Safari always remind me to update to the latest version of java even if I download java 7 already. Also, the testing page doesn't work at all even all the solutions listed have been tried. This was due to the version under has security problems and safari started to block java. So the solution you can try, is to type the following command, or open the file with administration privilege:

cd /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources
sudo vim XProtect.meta.plist

You will see that 

        Thu, 31 Jan 2013 04:41:14 GMT
                        com.macromedia.Flash Player.plugin

Now we can see that the Minimum PlugInBundleVersion is (While my version is So all we need to do is change this number to a version that is lower than what we have right now then Java should work smoothly.

Also, if you want to bring up the Java Console, Java 7 has the Java in System Preference. There are bunch of settings you can play with. If you want to get back the Java Preference which has been taken away by OSX, go to download and install the dmg package called Java Essential, then you can choose the preferred version of Java.


What to do when my mac complains about ntfs-3g cannot unmount bootcamp?

The error message is:
NTFS-3G could not mount /dev/disk1s1
at /Volumes/Noga_Serials because the following problem occurred:

Did not receive a signal within 15.000000 seconds. Exiting...

Everytime I started my os x system after I installed windows 8 with bootcamp, or I plugin an external hardrive which is NTFS format, this message appears and looks ugly actually.

Actually the message does no harm and the drive is correctly mounted...

But I still did not prefer this kind of unfriendly information. At first I thought it was the problem of some improperly mounted disk so I tried to unmount some dir under /Volumes/ but that doesn't work at all because all as removing bootcamp will lead me to no where.

Then I thought of what drivers will be better to mount the hardrives and I think MacFuse is quite better and works smoothly. So do install MacFuse then NTFS-3g (though the latter works fine but the error message is really annoying).

Nov 7, 2013:
My bad, after removing the NTFS-3g I was not able to get write access to my NTFS drive. That was just a bug for NTFS-3g but it still allows R/W access to driver.